Due to the school being a short term provision, and the fact many of our pupils have not been able to access large parts of the National Curriculum, end of Key Stage 2 assessments may not be administered annually.
Symphony Assessment System
Each class uses the Symphony system to track reading, writing and maths for each child. The objectives are highlighted once completed. A different colour is used for each term to show when the objectives are completed.
Each year of learning is broken down into 3 sections (e.g- Year 1 = 1C, 1B and 1A).
Each section is then broken down into 5 sub sections (e.g- 1C.0, 1C.2, 1C.4, 1C.6, 1C.8). This makes it possible to evidence small steps within learning.
So, a child who is working at a 1C.4 is similar to a Year 1 emergent learner (as it has been suggested that emerging, expected and exceeded should replace the old NC sub levels).
Attainment and expected progress
As we follow the Symphony system of assessment and tracking we are able to show small steps of progress for our pupils. The vast majority of our pupils enter Park Aspire well below age related academic expectations and have a variety of barriers to learning, this can mean that negative attitudes can be developed towards school and class based work.
As we have reduced class sizes, and have extra support in class bases we aim to overcome these barriers and work towards making progress equivalent to the SEMH targets related to data and evidence from CASPA. This takes into account the specific need of each child, which is generally SEMH in our setting.
As CASPA is reliable, comparative data for the specific needs of our pupils we form our targets from this.
We measure progress in the following categories:-
Less than expected -20% of SEMH target
Expected progress SEMH target achieved
Good progress +20% of SEMH target
Exceptional progress +40% of SEMH target
We apply the SEMH targets created by CASPA as they are based on National results and updated regularly. This gives us a good benchmark so we are assessing our children based on results from pupils with similar needs/ abilities.
At the end of each half term all class teachers record their class data on our progress report. This is built upon over the course of the year and makes up our end of year report.
Once we have all data at the end of each half term it is placed onto our visual tracker which shows progress over the year and since starting at Park Aspire.
We use CPOMS across school. This helps us collate all behaviours, positive and negative, and alerts us to issues at home and school. It also helps us to record number of time-outs and exclusions very accurately.
Physical Intervention and Time away from learning/out of class
This behaviour tracker has allowed us to show the number of physical interventions, how much time is spent in a physical restraint and also how much time is spent away from the classroom. As we collate data for every pupil for every half term we are able to identify any fluctuations and address them to help improve further behaviours.
SEMH assessment tool
This form of assessment is used to show trends in behaviours and strengths and weaknesses in pupil personalities. This helps our play therapist and behaviour and pastoral teams, along with class teachers, to identify areas that may need targeting/ addressing with individual pupils.
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